Beginning & improving Spinning Day – lead by Jenny Rose
Saturday 11th October 2014, 10.00am to 3.00pm
How to improve your spinning & fibre preparation and use a drop spindle
Equipment can be provided
Cost £30.00 maximum of 8 on course.
Spinning designer Yarns – lead by Jenny Rose
Saturday 18th October 2014, 10.00am to 3.00pm
Learn to prepare fibre for exciting individual yarns, using silk wool , cashgora etc. Equipment provided or bring your own.
Cost £30.00 maximum of 8 on course.
WEAVING TASTER DAY – Lead by Jenny Rose
Wednesday 15th October 2014, 10.00am to 3.00pm
Learn to weave on a pegloom, a rigid heddle loom & a 4 shaft table loom
Cost £30.00 maximum of 8 on course.
DESIGNING A WARP (on a weaving loom) – lead by Jenny Rose
Wednesday 29th October 2014, 10.00am to 3.00pm
How to determine, sett, width & length.
How to complete a drawdown – shows how pattern will look & helps you understand how the loom works, also helps to plan where to put colour.
Make colour wraps to help with using colour in weaving.
Equipment provided.
Cost £30.00 maximum of 8 on course.
Coffee & tea provided, bring your own lunch
Plenty of parking.