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Worstead Weavers

Tale of the Gansey

Another busy month.

On 15th October we were delighted to welcome Rita Taylor, local knitting designer and writer, to be our speaker.  She told us The Tale of the Gansey – working in the round; the use of Norwegian words in knitting; the Herring Girls who travelled down the coast from Shetland bringing with them their word-of-mouth, fishing-inspired patterns.

Guernsey licence to import wool early 16C. Purl stitch invented n 16C ? 900 g Worstead to make a Guernsey genseren Norwegian words used in knitting Patterns not written down, word of mouth. Herring girls – Shetland to Sheringham Stitch patterns not Sheringham 13 sets and 19 rows to one inch – very fine needles 17s Not true that a port had its own pattern Sheringham famous for ganseys

So much knowledge . . . wonderful stories . . . all generously shared and explained using perfect, tiny samples.


22nd October saw us back in Aylsham Parish Church and this time joined by friends from Slow Food, the Country Market and the Heritage Centre.

Apple and Fleece Day flier or poster Aug16

Apple & Fleece Day enabled us to celebrate the harvest season, and bring our love of woolly crafts to children and adults alike.  

Not surprisingly, tea and cake loomed large at both events !



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